Monday, November 9, 2009

The world is ripe for a revolution.

In the mid 20th century the youth of the world of whom I was part had a dream. End war. End corruption. Live in peace with our neigbours for the advancement of mankind. For the most part it was peaceful. Sit-ins and so on. The so called hippy or flower power generation. Why did it fail?

(1) Global communications were not as open as they are today with the internet and national propaganda and reporting controls were able to divert a lot of the news.
(2) The old money got in the way. The parents of the new generation basically told the kids to get back to school and stop fooling about.

Today, I think it would be successful. Nowadays with the internet people are able to topple governments more easily, the power is there. People just need to re-kindle that dream for something better.

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