Today there is a report about infighting in the Jewish community over a Jewish school.
This is just spin!
Reading between the lines I see that this is a very "desirable" school where all students have a distinct "advantage" above other schools in the area or in Britain.
What this really means is that the family concerned are bitter that their child was refused entry and are using the "Jewish" card to scream discrimination. Poor hard done by Jews. The family are obviously rich since they are paying expensive (probably Jewish) lawyers to take the school to court. Why not spend that money on a private education for your child (As I have had to do). Why should you get something for nothing (Free education for your child) and I have to pay for mine.
While not prejudice against any race or person or belief, I do believe that Jewish people on the whole have a good if not better life with more money than most. I just wish that they would stop playing this "Holocaust trump card" or variants thereof to keep the world on their side. Jews are no better or no worse than any other race on the earth. Every race , colour and creed have good people and bad people lets get that clear.
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