Friday, July 2, 2010

Just outlaw profit !!!!

Its been a while since my last post.

The world economy has again lost a couple of cylinders and is spluttering along on moonshine and vapour.

Look at the problem that caused the current global financial meltdown.

Just one thing caused all the problems.

"The insatiable desire for profit caused by human greed"


Just OUTLAW PROFIT. Strict audits for every company whether it be a one man sole trader or a huge multinational.

* Salary is a cost of doing business.
* Employee benefits are a cost of doing business.
* New plant and hardware is a cost of doing business.
* R&D is an investment or re-investment.

All allowable, all good for the nation and the world.

Profit for the sake of it !
Socially unacceptable. Should be outlawed Now! Anyone seen making a profit should be outcast like a child molester or rapist.

Don't put up with this oppression any longer. One pct of the world owns 70% of the wealth. There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with this picture.

Forward with "Steady State Capitalism"