Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Enslaved by technology

Last week KDDI under its AU brand launched a new smartphone aimed at companies to keep an eye on their employees. It seems the built in Accelerometer has been thoroughly tested in various situations and sends feedback to the company. Apparently the device can inform the employer if the employee is stacking boxes, walking, running, or sleeping. What an encroachment on personal privacy and liberty!
The mark 2 model due to be released next year has a bluetooth collar with a built in tazer so that employees can be punished on the spot. 1984 was never so bad.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Financial modelling. Random and Chaos Theory

The latest and greatest financial modeling techniques for options involve something the financial engineers call SABR modeling.

It involves force fitting the known or guessed market prices back into a volatility curve or "smile"

It is based on stochastics which actually means Random.
from the Greek "στόχος" for "aim" or "guess")

So our financial engineers are "guessing" ?

Leeches of society.

I put it to you.

Who is the biggest leech on society.

(1) The manual worker on the dole, has given up looking for work and lives of state handouts plus whatever little part time work he can get on the side.
Cost to society = part of the taxation payments we make.
Individual creates no real value, does not destroy the value others make.

(2) The capitalist who has so much money all he does is invests(leeches) via investment programs, whether it be stocks, or other vehicles.
Cost to society = Billions in share dividends and interest and billions in "stolen value creation"
Creates no value in society, also destoys and absorbs value that others create.

Who is the crook here?

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Once upon a time....back in the late mid to late 60's there seemed to be an air of hope. There was a cultural revolution brewing. A change of conciousnes especially amoung the young people of the world. The Vietnam war was seen as a mistake. (Not
unlike Iraq in recent years)

The so called "hippie generation" thought they could change the world on a
ticket of love and peace. There was nothing wrong with this idea. If it had
succeeded 35 year on we would be enjoying a peaceful world of great
abundance. The reasons it did not happen were twofold.

(1) It failed to reach critical mass of the world at large. The internet was
not around at that time and global telecommunications were expensive. The
vehicle it tried to use was music, art and literature. With the internet
today the chances are it would succeed.

(2) Old money. The previous generation of "successful capitalists" i.e.
money hoarders were the parents of the generation who wanted change. They
saw that if the world embraced a ticket of love and peace their wealth
(perceived advantage) would be instantly worthless.

Captialists cannot believe in sharing since the whole premise of capitalism
as the world knows it is to strip wealth from others to hoard and accumulate
for ones own ends. Often confused with "The American Dream" To be free, to
have a nice home in a safe neighbourhood, a good education is seem
synonymous to being a successful capitalist. This is just the illusion of
the capitalist. Communism was seen as no better and still is not a viable
alternative. The worlds religions are often viewed as a vehicle to
manipulate the masses by a few of their leaders.

An omnipotent angry God will punish you for ever if you do not believe and
follow these rules.

No - The world needs a new system. Fair and open enough to be accepted,
tollerated by all of the world's citizens. New age thought is growing in the
world which is what remains of the failed hippie revolution. However, New
age thinking is gathering momentum with much dissatisfaction of the current
systems of world order which simply give power to the few over the many at
the expense of the many.

John Lennon wrote the song "Imagine" which summed up his generation. His
generation, my generation are now the old money. it is not too late to make
our generation count . Things we used to believe in are now more important
in the world than ever.

We need to change to survive as a race. "Imagine" what the world could be
like. We have the power to change it. We have the medium to change it in the
internet. Lets simply say "Change"

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rule by fear.

As usual the old money is trying to look after itself.

Was there a conspiracy in the Sept 11th debacle. I am sure there was. Sometime in the future I am sure that it will be clear that the US government and their controllers were to blame at least in part.

* The old money fears a backlash in the coming age.
* Americans are generally dissatisfied with their governments and distrust polytricians.
* When Americans have an external country or force to hate, they all rally round and forget about their internal problems.

America is on the verge of splitting into two races. Haves and have nots. A modern day slavery and this time it will not be based on racial domination but on wealth.
However since the wealthy know they only have paper money they fear a massive rebellion/revolution.

(Old money controls America, it is above the government, above the constitution and thinks that it is above God)

Therefore, old money instructs the government to make loopholes in the constitution my causing a situation where a state of emergency can be called. Whereby ordinary citizens who may just be in the wrong place at the wrong time can be swept of the street and just disappear. Tortured or killed. Rule by fear! It is ironic, that America is now becoming the despot regime that for the most part of the 20th Century it lambasted as being undemocratic.

We can only hope that there are enough intelligent, self thinking officers in the US military to take over and crush the old money, because nothing less will cause a 21st century holocaust.

The onslaught to come

As firms make staff redundant (because they were badly managed in the good times). We must realize that instead of keeping a cash balance on hand the managers were on a bonus feeding fury. Draining, raping, pillaging their company, but like all of these people none of them know how to "run" a company. Companies are not above the law, indeed in some cases corporate law is more severe than the regular law-of-the-land.

Back to the theme, as the number of people working declines, the amount of available free spending money declines. Other companies have to lay off staff or close down. Lets take an example. The hair salon/barber. Every shopping area, mall or public place where people pass through (like a railway or subway station), has a variety of barbers and hair salons. In their peak JPY5,000 or USD50.00 would be the norm. They would all be busy all of the time. AS the amount of money being spent decreases stylists are let go, prices come down to 1/5 of the price and salons close. Many people now prefer to wash their hair at home making a 3 monthly visit instead of a monthly visit. It is not a necessity, but a luxury good.

The salons that remain open have fewer customers less frequently and therefore prices must go up for them to stay in business. For the same reason that Microsoft sells its windows product at about USD150 (because it can sell many), a propriety database or accounting system can cost tens of thousands because the developers can only sell it to one or a few customers.

Hence we have initially "inflation" leading to "stagflation" because more people loose their jobs and more businesses close, leaving the few in business looking at raising prices to stay afloat.

What the governments and central banks need to do is "Just print money". So what if we cause hyper inflation and have to revalue the currency every week. Let the citizens print it out on their home PC !!! The only people it would affect is the money hoarding capitalists who have previously "stolen" their wealth from the economy. By stolen, I mean they have not provided goods or services equal to the money they took out of the system. Hence they are net value destroyers whereby the average Joe is a net value creator.

The social system is on the verge of collapse. The world population is more than 5 billion. Ivory towers with walls patrolled by security guards will not be enough to resist the onslaught against capitalism in all of its forms. Capitalism = waste!