Think logically about this...
You have a product that is leveraged.
You pay less for it than its theoretical face value.
You do not have to account for it on your balance sheet for its full risk.
Once purchased you can control your VAR (Value at risk) x the leverage factor.
and.... The PHD scientists wrongly placed in finance still believe and try and convince us that the real VAR is less than the full value of the underlying product.
Why do people not try and think for themselves , rather than believe other people's implanted reality??????????
Let me make this really simple. Not even derivatives. This is a logical statement against the legality of short selling.
You own nothing (apart from a stack of cash sitting in the corner)
You want to bet against something, but you own nothing except the pile of ill gotten gains in the corner. Cash not earned by value creation, rather by value destruction. But, you are greedy and you want more.....
OK, so for a risk value (not the whole value of the asset) You short sell it.
It means that you borrow an asset, stocks, commodities etc for a period of time from the owner (or more likely his agent) and promise to pay the asset back at some date in the future with some kind of financial reward (interest).
The capitalist because he is leveraged pays a very small percentage of the full risk as down payment for the loan of the asset. (i.e. he pays down one percent as downpayment and "owns" the state of California)
The capitalist sells the asset (like George Soros against Sterling), if the capitalist can build enough momentum, he will start a trend which will make his "bet" a fait accompli.
The original investor who owns the stocks or asset might be a long term investor who bought the stock as a long term investment for his retirement. He leaves the certificates at his stockbroker firm for safekeeping and they decide to offer the stocks to the short sellers.
So the investment profile of the original investor has been changed from the careful to the wild and rampant money greedy capitalist.
Should short selling be allowed? NO!!!
If you want to sell something, fucking buy it and put your money where your fucking mouth is.
The capitalists rely on the ignorance of the general public and the financial industry in general to ply their black magic. Do me a favour! Kill a capitalist today!
Wake up - think for yourself!
Wake up - think for yourself!
Wake up - think for yourself!
Wake up - think for yourself!
Wake up - think for yourself!
Wake up - think for yourself!
Wake up - think for yourself!
Wake up - think for yourself!
Wake up - think for yourself!
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