Wednesday, October 21, 2009

NU-(U)K Party

As a UK citizen who has lived out of the country for 23 years and a person who is disgusted that I could never live in that nasty, dingy, grey country in which I was born.

Many things have upset my over the years which I will post later. However, in the past year or so, I have been thinking about creating a political party in exile. British citizens and subjects that feel the same as me.

Britain has been run and managed by idiots for the past 40 years or so. It is time to change with a new constitution and new priorities and a new economic system to lead the world as Britain once did before.

Primarily, there are 3 concepts that would form the manifesto.
The first is a prolific line from the movie V for Vendetta, nevertheless it is very poignant.

Concept number 1.

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."

Concept number 2.
Modify our economic system of capitalism (with greed).
Outlaw the insatiable desire for profit.
This new system will be called "Steady State Capitalism" or something similar.

Concept number 3.
Every citizen is entitled to the following three items.
a) FREE Healthcare cradle to grave.
b) FREE Global quality education from the age of 5 to first university degree level.
c) Good quality, affordable housing for all citizens. (If you treat people like animals, some of them will behave like animals)

The fact that the UK hasn't re-invested in major infrastructure since Victorian times, and that businesses are prepared to nickle and dime of that failing infrastructure needs to be adjusted.

I will add further items as I think of them or think them through.

Still the universities of this world teach about Reagan and Thatcher economics. These people truly messed up a generation. The isolated "inflation" as the bogey man and tried to hammer it out at all costs. What they failed to realize is that Inflation is called inflation when you do not want it and GDP growth when you do. It is the same animal. A fundamental design error in our current global democratic economic systems.

If anyone is interested in forming a UK government in exile or talking about designing a new and better economic system please contact me.

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