Looking at the problems the world faces, I feel the human race needs to evolve from
its jungle and caveman origins and shed itself of its primitive "fight or fight"
primitive consciousness. To truly overcome the problems facing society we need to have a will to change and evolve.
Many will argue that to keep up our exploring and inquisitive nature we need this
animal inside us. I disagree completely.
Sport is used by governments to ensure the populace is obedient and controllable,
that winning is good and winners are to be idolized, you cant have winners without loosers. Therefore, the general populace is all pumped full of testosterone ready to go out and murder the opposition but understanding that he or she will statistically never reach greatness and will have to submit to someone whether it be a government, a boss, or other oppressing entity.
Western governments allow the gross amount of money to be spent on sport. Imagine
the huge cost of cleaning up the planet from pollution and excess. Economics 101 always ignores the polluting capitalist or at best mentions it in a single line or paragraph. We are now at a crossroad where the cumulative effect of "ignoring" pollution is going to cost trillions of dollars. Where can we get this kind of money from? Well, how about taxing the sports world.
There is evidence (you just have to look around you), but also scientific evidence that too much exercise (like going to the gym every day for a workout), can actually impair short and medium term memory. It also gets to a stage where the individual is addicted like a junkie to his sports, while the testosterone gnaws away at his brain cells making it more and more difficult to think for himself, and therefore more open to accepting someone else's ideas and reality, rather than thinking things through himself.
Sport is just as addictive as cigarettes and alcohol, so why is there no health warning on sports broadcasts and at sports stadiums?
Western governments are just as oppressive as the regimes they condemn. Although strangely enough the people in the so called oppressive regimes are more vocal in understanding their oppression and demonstrating about it as much as they can.
Think Tiananmen square and Iran.
Lets think! Don't sport.